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Father Joe and Debbie Rafferty are sponsoring a Thanksgiving food drive at Prince of Peace to help the Back Mountain Food Pantry. Your help is very much needed and appreciated. Donations must be gathered at Prince of Peace by November 22.
Monetary donations may be mailed to the church (420 Main Street Dallas, PA 18612) or put in the offering plate (please indicate that it is for this drive). Non-perishable food donations may be dropped off by the back door in the bin labeled food pantry, or can be brought to church on Sunday mornings and placed in the grocery cart.
Suggested food items needed are cranberry sauce, stuffing mix, boxed dried potato mix, canned sweet potatoes, canned gravy, canned fruits and vegetables, rice, pasta, canned evaporated milk, hot chocolate mix, canned hams, peanut butter, jelly, Jell-O, pudding mix, cake mixes, canned frosting, and soup.
Please help us to help others.
Thank you!
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