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Lent Soup Sales

We are offering Clam Chowder every Friday during the Season of Lent.  The offering of New England and Manhattan Clam Chowder switches weekly.  Orders must be placed with the church by noon on Wednesday of each week.   For more information about the soup sale and to place an order click here.

40 Days of
Helping Others

What if instead of giving things up or taking things away for Lent, we added something? If every day everyone donated one non-perishable food item, can you imagine how many people we could help at the end of those 40 days? Let’s find out together!  Join with our Church School, more information here.

Stations of the Cross

We will offer Stations of the Cross on several Wednesdays during Lent. The stations will alternate weekly between noon and 7pm. The schedule of services is... Wednesday, February 28 at 7pm; Wednesday, March 7 at noon; Wednesday, March 14 at 7pm; Wednesday, March 21 at noon; Wednesday, March 28 at 7pm

Palm Sunday
March 25, 2018

9:30 AM The Liturgy of the Palms. Service will begin in church yard, weather permitting.

The Sunday of the Passion or Palm Sunday begins the last week of Lent, known as Holy Week. The dual nature of the Liturgy for this Sunday is evident from the title, the Sunday of the Passion. It begins with the pomp and glory of the triumphal entry into Jerusalem with shouts of "hosanna" to our King.  These hosannas soon change to "Crucify him, crucify him," as the Passion is narrated and dramatically proclaimed.

Maundy Thursday
March 29, 2018

6:00 PM Soup & Bread Supper
Join us for a time of fellowship with a simple soup and bread supper from 6:00 p.m. - until about 6:45 pm.

7:00 PM Proper Liturgy with Foot Washing, Holy Eucharist & Stripping of the Altar.

The Maundy Thursday liturgy recreates the events around the last Supper. At the Passover meal, Jesus institutes the Eucharist with the words: "do this in remembrance of me".   During the meal Jesus, on bended knee embraces the role of servant, washes His disciples feet and then extends the mandate: "as I have done, now you must do."  The service ends abruptly with the stripping of the altar and chancel, and the reserved sacrament of Our Lord's Body and Blood is carried and placed on the Altar of Repose.  We depart in silence reflecting on all that the Lord has done to show so great a love for us.

Good Friday
March 30, 2018

7:00 PM Proper Liturgy with Veneration of the Cross & Distribution of Communion from Reserve Sacrament.

This service focuses on Jesus's passion and death, with prayers for the Church, world and with a public veneration by the faithful of the Wood of the Cross. Then we gather at the altar to receive the gift of Holy Eucharist and recall our Christian calling to be bread and peace for one another and our world.

Holy Saturday
Easter Vigil
Sat, March 31, 2018

8:00 PM The Great Vigil of Easter. Service will begin in church yard, weather permitting.

The Great Easter Vigil is the service of all services. We remember our sacred story of God's redeeming work from the time of Creation to the Resurrection of Jesus, our Lord. We remember, we celebrate, we believe: Jesus is risen and through Baptism we share in and claim the promise of life with God, forever. This service traditionally includes the lighting of the New Fire and Christ Candle, singing of the Exultet, Renewal of Baptismal Vows and the First Celebration of Easter Eucharist. 

Easter Sunday
April 1, 2018

9:30 AM Easter Sunday Holy Eucharist

Our joyous celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will include the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.  This year we will also celebrate with Holy Baptism.

Easter Egg Hunt
April 1, 2018

Following the 9:30 AM Easter Sunday Holy Eucharist

An Easter Egg Hunt for children ages 10 and under will be held in the church yard on Easter Sunday, following the service. Please sign your child(ren) up today!

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